Sharpen Your Photography Skills, Knowledge and Passion

Sharpen Your Photography Skills, Knowledge and Passion
Sharpen Your Photography Skills, Knowledge and Passion2019-01-22T09:35:54-08:00
2109, 2020

Photography News September 21, 2020 

By |September 21st, 2020|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News September 21, 2020 Newsflash: SlickPic is proud to be a sponsor of the 13th annual, Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photo Walk. No matter what continent you are on, where you are in your photography journey, or what type of camera or phone you use, this is the excuse you have been waiting for to get out, explore your city, go take some amazing photos, virtually connect and share your photos with other photographers from around the world, and be entered to win some amazing prizes! Learn more: Quote: “If you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of more [...]

1509, 2020

Photography News September 15, 2020 

By |September 15th, 2020|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News September 15, 2020 Quote: “Of course, there will always be those who look only at technique, who ask ‘how’, while others of a more curious nature will ask ‘why’. Personally, I have always preferred inspiration to information.” – Man Ray Articles:  How bright is that light? Your guide to lux, footcandles and exposure  Does any camera have better resolution than the human eye? - a Quora answer by Bill Otto Why Cameras Get Exposure Wrong Investigating the Canon R5 Heat Emission - Roger Cicala - actually interesting for any camera Beginners Guide to Creating and Applying Texture Overlays Using Photoshop  Astronomy Photographer [...]

909, 2020

Photography News September 9, 2020 

By |September 9th, 2020|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News September 9, 2020 Quote: “Of course, there will always be those who look only at technique, who ask ‘how’, while others of a more curious nature will ask ‘why’. Personally, I have always preferred inspiration to information.” – Man Ray Articles:  How to Turn Photos into Textures inside Adobe Photoshop Tutorial 13m How to Use the Tone Curve Panel in Lightroom Classic The Fujifilm GFX 100 vs Salt Water Teardown - Roger Cicala Get rid of dandruff and dust in one click  Under a bayou moon with night photographer Mike Cooper, part one   Making a Schlieren on a Stick - Interesting tool but [...]

209, 2020

The holy trinity of photography

By |September 2nd, 2020|Categories: Photo Sharing|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Have you heard about the holy trinity of photography? If you want to be considered a great photographer (or even a good one, for that matter) you need to make sure you have these three key elements in your arsenal: Photography equipment e.g. camera, lens, post-processing software, etc Some photography education e.g. tutorials, classes, workshops, photo tours, etc., along with the experience in the field. Your own portfolio website. Attention to these three elements is what separates the pros from the amateurs when it comes to photography. Now, when you are starting out, you might think that the first point [...]

3108, 2020

Photography News August 31, 2020

By |August 31st, 2020|Categories: News|0 Comments

Newsflash SlickPic is proud to be an official sponsor of KelbyOne’s Landscape Conference. Don’t miss out on this epic online event going on September 8th and 9th. Learn more: Quote: "Roger’s rule: If you have either a crappy lens or crappy camera, improve the crappy part first; you get more bang for you $.” - Dave Hachey (Roger is the Roger of LensRentals and has a wonderful blog there) Articles:  How I Shoot High-End Portraits with Low-End Budgets  The Power of Transitions: A Theory of Landscape Photography Step-by-step Guide to Long Exposure Photography How to do Long Exposure Photography and Light [...]

1106, 2020

Composition in photography: Figure to ground relationship

By |June 11th, 2020|Categories: Art of Photography|Comments Off on Composition in photography: Figure to ground relationship

The figure to the ground relationship is one of the most important, but often overlooked concepts in photography. Painters have been using it for ages, but with photography, the methodology is a bit different, so it’s not always easy to translate painting tools. A good figure to the ground relationship is considered when the line between the subject (figure) and the background (ground) is clearly visible.   The line between the subject and the background is clearly visible   Think shapes and contrast A photograph is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional space. The surface of a photograph is made [...]

302, 2020

Fun with Multiple Exposures

By |February 3rd, 2020|Categories: How-to Tips|1 Comment

Cameras can capture all kinds of fun and my firm belief is that when we color outside the lines – play and not take things too seriously – we learn. I’ve been hand blending photographs for years. I love taking pictures of a subject from a lot of different angles. This method usually requires that I keep the subject in the middle of the frame and shoot anywhere from three to 20 shots. I load them as layers into Photoshop and then turn everything off visibly except the bottom layer. I then start blending from the bottom up until I [...]

701, 2020

365 Photo challenge: Take a photo a day – you will thank us for it later

By |January 7th, 2020|Categories: Photo Sharing|2 Comments

365 Photo challenge: Take a photo a day – you will thank us for it later Why do a 365 Photo Challenge? Let’s be honest. New Year’s resolutions do not really work. We opt to do something, but as time goes by, this activity becomes less satisfying. However, if there was a way to improve your photography skills, would it be worth sticking to for an entire 365 days? This is where the 365 Photo Challenge comes in. The idea is to take and post a photo every single day. Whether you choose a certain genre to focus on or [...]

1712, 2019


By |December 17th, 2019|Categories: Art of Photography|Tags: |0 Comments

Has Instagram ruined or helped photography? Like anything, it depends on who you ask. In my case, the question speaks to high quality photography – not the everyday snapshots which abound ad nauseam.  It used to be that I could pack up my camera and travel near or far and take original photographs. Even if I was shooting iconic scenes or structures, I could do it in a way that made the image mine.  Now things have changed. Everywhere I go there are people taking pictures with cameras or phones. If I go to a well-known site, there will be [...]

2511, 2019

Don’t Waste Social Media – it’s a powerful tool!

By |November 25th, 2019|Categories: How-to Tips|0 Comments

Social Media – loved by some and hated by others – and not used often enough in the right way to benefit your photographic growth. Seven years ago, I was issued a challenge by one of the most gifted photographers I know. I was whining about how I couldn’t identify a genre to focus on – how I felt my work was stagnant – like I said – whining. He issued me a challenge that utterly changed my photographic path – accelerated my learning curve – and set me free to explore my own potential. I won’t issue that challenge [...]

2308, 2019

ICM – Intentional Camera Movement

By |August 23rd, 2019|Categories: Art of Photography|0 Comments

All of my life I’ve been chasing what I see out of the corner of my eye; those elusive visions, slightly blurred and a bit magical. But when I turn and focus on them, they disappear into ordinary. I wanted to learn how to capture that state of blur. It’s what caught my eye in the first place – I think it’s worth chasing.     If you stop and think about it, most of what is in our field of vision is out of focus. Our eyes are only able to focus on a very small area. Our true [...]

1607, 2019

Think Before You Shoot — Bring Home Photographs You Love

By |July 16th, 2019|Categories: Art of Photography|2 Comments

Travel photography always creates a sense of urgency in me. When I arrive at a new place I can easily be overwhelmed with awe. Sights, sounds, smells and fatigue all conspire to overpower my brain. My urge is to try and capture it all, and it takes conscious effort to slow down and organize my thoughts. The places I've been privileged to see are wildly amazing and it's a challenge to bring home images that match my experience. Itʼs also a challenge to bring home images someone else hasnʼt already taken – to find something original at places like the [...]

1005, 2019

Top 3 Mirrorless Cameras in 2019

By |May 10th, 2019|Categories: Gear and Tools|2 Comments

Mirrorless cameras are all the rage right now. Compact, portable and built around the same sensors used in DSLRs, mirrorless cameras are capable of fulfilling all your photography wishes. The main difference between a DSLR and a mirrorless camera is the lack of a mirror, needed to divert light to the viewfinder and show the scene. This makes mirrorless cameras smaller and lighter, giving them faster on-sensor focus and making necessary an EVF – electronic viewfinder, which shows real-time changes to the scene as you change camera settings.     But with so many brands and hundreds of models, it [...]

1204, 2019

The 10-Point Guide to Find the Right Trip At the Best Price Every Time

By |April 12th, 2019|Categories: Travel|3 Comments

We know a lot of our users are avid travel photographers, so we asked one of our pros to give us his insight into what makes the best trip. These tips have been compiled by a travel photographer who has been all over the world, so these tips will definitely change the way you travel. — The SlickPic Team As a long term married couple, we are very lucky to be able to travel and go on long haul holidays at least eight weeks each year. In recent years, the way people travel has very much changed and the days [...]

803, 2019

Top 3 DSLRs in 2019

By |March 8th, 2019|Categories: Gear and Tools|Tags: |1 Comment

With new camera models coming out every few months, it is difficult to choose which camera to go with. However, one advantage of growing technology and increasing number of camera models is that now, it is also difficult to choose a camera that won’t suit your needs.     Any average camera body today will give you the results you want. A megapixel count of more than 12, a decent autofocus system and additional features like Wi-Fi, touch screen LCD and shooting speeds of 6 to 8 fps – these are all common now. And if you really know how [...]

2202, 2019

Beginners’ guide to composing a brief and simple photo story

By |February 22nd, 2019|Categories: How-to Tips|2 Comments

Brief simple photo stories - Visualizing the story and accordingly shooting appropriate photos. Photo stories till date remain one of the highest forms of story telling. Incidents portrayed in the form of a series of well composed, content rich photos, while aesthetically pleasing, continue to be one the most attractive and arresting form of documentary. The power of illustrations, even when simplistic, is self evident. I did this simple photo story on road layers as part of one of my projects. A common enough occurrence.....but several photos documenting the process of work and the people when strung together complete a [...]

602, 2019

Canon 77D: The best vlogger camera?

By |February 6th, 2019|Categories: Gear and Tools|0 Comments

The Canon 77D created a lot of buzz when it was launched in February 2017. Packed with features from the beginner Rebel series in a 70D body – and named as if the younger brother of the advanced 80D – people were confused as to where exactly place this crop-sensor DSLR. But that is, in fact, the redeeming quality of this camera. A combination of the Rebel simplicity and price with advanced features like Dual Pixel AF and a Digic 7 processor, the Canon 77D really is an all-round camera for almost any type of shooter. This 24 MP camera [...]

1801, 2019

How to create 365 Challenge on SlickPic, Step by Step instructions

By |January 18th, 2019|Categories: Photo Sharing|1 Comment

Check out our blog post on why you should start the 365 Photo challenge: Take a photo a day – you will thank us for it later Click here for a short How-To video or continue reading for step by step instructions: 1. Go to Organizer – click Organizer on the top menu 2. Click Album Menu (1) and Create new album "Project 365"(2) Once created, refresh the screen and it will look like this: 3. Now Click the Project 365 album to open it and Create albums for the first month inside Project 365 album. Type in the month [...]

2112, 2018

Introduction to Panning – Basic techniques and a beginner’s guide

By |December 21st, 2018|Categories: How-to Tips|0 Comments

Panning a moving subject properly....well it usually creates stunning results. A blurred background with a mostly crisp, slightly blurred around the edges, definition a pan, is a matter of practice. Certain basic rules apply though..   SLOWER SHUTTER SPEEDS The most important rule. Shutter speeds by definition need to be slowed down to allow tracking a subject over a period of time. This creates the beautifully blurred backgrounds.     Shutter speeds depend on the speed on the moving subject. Fast moving objects may need around 1/60th of a second. Most often 1/15th to 1/30th provide good results. But [...]

1805, 2018

Composition in photography: Depth of field

By |May 18th, 2018|Categories: How-to Tips|4 Comments

If you are new to photography, you may have heard about something called depth of field, but you are not entirely sure what it means and how to take advantage of it. Depth of field is basically the zone of sharpness in a photograph. In every picture you take, a certain part of it is in focus and some of it is not. When the zone of sharpness is small, we call that a shallow depth of field. Otherwise, when a large part of the image is sharp, that is a large depth of field. Let’s take a look at [...]