The beauty of everyday photography – shooting from home

//The beauty of everyday photography – shooting from home

Everyone feels a little bit under the weather sometimes. Maybe you’re feeling sick or just tired and you aren’t able to push yourself to go out today. But you don’t always have to go outside to take pictures, sometimes the best moments are hidden right in front of your nose. To get started, try out some of our ideas for everyday photography!


Shoot with a macro lens to create interesting close-ups

Shoot with a macro lens to create interesting close-ups


In Hitchcock’s film ‘The rear window’ the main character is a professional photographer who got hurt while shooting a car race. His leg is in a cast and he is tied down to a wheelchair and stuck in his apartment. Because he’s bored, he spends his days looking out the rear window and spying on his neighbors. What happens next in the film, you’ll have to see for yourself, no spoilers!

Now, I am not implying you should go and spy on your neighbors, but maybe start paying more attention to the things that are constantly around you. We often pass bay these everyday scenes because we are so used to them, so they don’t seem interesting. But everything has the potential to be photogenic if you just adjust your perspective a bit. Here are some creative shot ideas to help you get started.


Make abstract photographs by shooting out of focus

Make abstract photographs by shooting out of focus


Experiment with abstract photography

Recognize colors and patterns that may be interesting. Get close up and forget the rules. Create interesting abstract photographs by taking pictures out of focus. Make everyday photography fun by shooting with a macro lens; get up close to the subject so you can’t even recognize what it is anymore. Look for textures you didn’t notice before.


Be your own subject

Another home photography idea is to take pictures of your pets! Pets are one of the easier subjects to photograph because they’re always right by your side. If you don’t have pets, shoot roommates, organize a family photo shoot or be your own model; put the camera on timer and experiment with self-portraits.


Be your own subject, try shooting self-portraits

Be your own subject, try shooting self-portraits


Put up a home studio

Mark out a corner of your living space for a small home studio where you can practice photography every day. Find a surface area you can use, preferably near a window. This is now your space where you have the freedom to be as creative as you like. Take pictures of food, plants or anything you can find around the house that looks interesting. You don’t have to own professional lighting to do this. A big window, a tripod and some fill cards should do the trick.


Put up a small home studio

Put up a small home studio


Shoot anything and everything

Lastly, just relax and take pictures of everything around your house as it is. Sometimes the most banal scenes look the most intriguing in photographs. Make a series of photographs about what you eat for breakfast every morning or take one picture of the view from your window every day and see how it changes with the seasons. Be curios and don’t dismiss everyday scenes as not interesting enough, because you never know what the result could be. The camera is a powerful tool and in the right hands it can even make shooting at home a fun project. Challenge yourself and take a photo every day. Start the 365 Challenge with SlickPic! You can create your album with the Organizer, where you post your photo every day. That way you will be able to keep track of your progress.


Take pictures of your pets

Take pictures of your pets


Make yourself take as many pictures as you can and in time, you will get better and better. Everyday photography is a perfect training ground because there are no mistakes. By taking pictures every day you learn and create memories. If you get bored, there’s always something new to try!

By |2017-03-01T06:28:28-08:00March 1st, 2017|Categories: Art of Photography|3 Comments

About the Author:

Violeta Tesic is a photographer and visual artist based in Belgrade, Serbia. She graduated with a Masters degree in Visual arts from Nova Academy of Arts in Belgrade. Her work consists of various projects, shot mostly in a documentary manner, some are completely straightforward and others more of a conceptual nature. Landscape, nature, urbanism and architecture are some of the common topics she is interested in. Her work has been shown in a number solo and group exhibitions all over the ex-Yugoslavian region. In addition, she also writes critical texts about contemporary photography and the history of photography.