

About Brenden

My name is Brenden, and I am located in Louisville, Ky. My favorite thing to photograph is sports and have had the opportunity to capture baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and soccer. I don’t really know what my favorite sport to photograph is however. I also enjoy time outdoors and doing nature photography. Macro of fungi and insects is a side interest of mine. I do shoot the occasional wedding, or portrait shoot as well. I just like staying busy, and keeping the shutter clicking.
17 01, 2017

Hitting your Next Baseball Photography Shoot out of the Park

By |2017-01-17T10:42:39-08:00January 17th, 2017|Categories: Pro Photography|3 Comments

Baseball photography can be a bit of a challenge for a new comer, but it doesn’t have to be. Following these basic pieces of advice you will be getting top pictures of baseball players, and can add capturing baseball to your sports photography repertoire. Location and Timing When it comes to photographing any sport being at [...]