Photography News January 23, 2023

//Photography News January 23, 2023

Photography News January 23, 2023

Quote: “Image quality is not the product of a machine, but of the person who directs the machine, and there are no limits to imagination and expression.”
– Ansel Adams


Brooke Shaden – Dark Art


Use THIS Finishing Touch for a Huge Difference in Your Photos – Scott Kelby


The Business of Fine Art Photography – Thomas Werner, 1h 36m


Fine Art Street Photography – 1st lesson, Gary Gough, 27m


Artist of the Week: Larry Sultan – “…how a life was lived against how a life was dreamed.” – Home movies to book to Broadway play

The content of this blog post done in collaboration with one of our members, Greg Edwards:

By |2023-02-14T11:17:17-08:00January 23rd, 2023|Categories: News|0 Comments

About the Author:

SlickPic was created by a group of like-minded photographers and photography-enthusiasts who wanted a service that wouldn't force them to conform to a certain style or niche, but one that would allow them the freedom to use their photos to tell whatever stories they want. They wanted a service that was capable of storing, showcasing, sharing, and displaying photos in all the different ways people use photos: some are meant just for family, some are taken for friends, and some are made for the world to see. SlickPic Photo Hosting and Sharing