Setting the mood in photos with the right elements

//Setting the mood in photos with the right elements

Sometimes you will see a scene and will know that the setting is perfect – the right elements to create the perfect mood. However, the magic does not happen every time, but by simply adding some elements in your images, you can create moody images to grab the attention of your viewers.


Fog or mist

If you are at the right time at the right place, you might get fog or mist to add a sense of mystery to your photos. Imagine the dense forest in the early morning with mist hanging over the floor, or that eerie graveyard on a foggy morning.


Simply having some clouds instead of a plain blue sky will enhance your photos and create moody images.

Simply having some clouds instead of a plain blue sky will enhance your photos and create moody images.


Storm clouds create moody images

This is a good method to add mood in photos, especially landscapes. The darker, more threatening the sky, the more moody photos generally are. Remember, dreary grey skies won’t have the same effect. This is typically achieved before a storm.


Adding storm clouds to any setting can create moody images

Adding storm clouds to any setting can create moody images


Ice or snow

That lonely tree in the distance covered in ice or snow gives the viewer the feeling of being left along in the cold. Play around with snow or ice to add some extra emotion in photos.


Low light

Low light is an easy way to create moody images naturally. If you shoot as darkness falls, the results will be different because of the slow shutter speed. Remember to use your tripod to prevent lens blur.


Transforming ordinary photos into black and white images is a good way to create a moody setting.

Transforming ordinary photos into black and white images is a good way to create a moody setting.


Colour galore

Play around with your colour temperatures settings while shooting or change it with post processing. Tungsten can create cooler colours while sunshine generally adds a feeling of warmth. Change an image to black and white and you can turn a normal photo into a moody photo.


Running water

This generally adds a calming effect to photos, especially when you use longer exposures. It freezes the motion, adding mood to your images. A picture of waves crashing on the beach can also take your viewers back to a time when they were on the beach, hence evoking emotion.


Rising early in the morning has its advantages. Dew drops create mood to any small images.

Rising early in the morning has its advantages. Dew drops create mood to any small images.


Dew drops

Enhance your pictures with dew or water drops, especially close up images. That spider web or flower with water droplets will give a sense of scale to images, just adding something extra.


Sunrises and sunsets

By simply adding a rising or setting sun into your images, you are guaranteed to create emotion Not only does it set a spectacular mood, but it is difficult to take a terrible photo if you include sunshine. Whether you shoot a landscape or people, it is bound to be a winner.


Instead of just shooting a normal scene, do it at sunset if you want to add mood.

Instead of just shooting a normal scene, do it at sunset if you want to add mood.



By |2017-03-08T00:34:45-08:00February 8th, 2017|Categories: How-to Tips|1 Comment

About the Author:

René de Klerk is a journalist for a conservation publication in South Africa. As part of her work, she travels to South Africa’s National Parks where she also gets to practice her photography skills. She is at her happiest outdoors and as a result will never pass an opportunity to spend time in nature.