Tips to take better beach photos during your next visit

//Tips to take better beach photos during your next visit

Tips to take better beach photos during your next visit

Chances are that you will probably get to the beach sooner or later and of course, nobody is going to pass the chance to show off those lovely beach photos. Whether it is your friends having fun in the sun or something artistic for that frame, these tips will guide you towards better beach pictures.

This could have been a potential photo for a longer exposure as the incoming mist would have been great to experiment with.

Find a focus point

Beach landscapes and sea images look so much better once you have identified a focus point. Whether you choose a lonely figure, a silhouette of a friend as the sun sets or even that little boat on the white sand, the correct subject is important. Just remember that not all strangers like being photographed, so ask permission before you go wild with the people photography.

Place people in beach photos, but always make sure that you don’t upset anyone unnecessarily.

Composition in beach photos

The secret to any good images is a good fore and background! This will draw the viewer’s eyes to your subject and provide balance to beach photos. Remember the rule of thirds, but also keep in mind that rules are sometimes meant to be broken.

Silhouettes are great to enhance beach pictures. Try it next time at sunset.


This plays a crucial role when you are on the beach. At midday, chances are that it will be difficult to get above average beach pictures. As a result, shoot a beach landscape during the early morning or late afternoons, during the golden hours. However, there are ways to improve the shot if you were to shoot during harsh times. You can try a neutral density filter to get better beach or sea pictures. This is like giving your camera sunglasses, so the harsh overexposed clouds and sand will look softer.

Would you not love to be here right now? This beach landscape was captured the late afternoon just before sunset. Always try and shoot early mornings and late afternoons during the golden hours.

Use Filters

Apart from the above mentioned filter, a good choice when it comes to beach photos and landscape photography in general is a polarising filter. This is a great addition as it will reduce glare and reflection when you take sea pictures. This filter can also create vibrant blue skies.

This beach photo was shot at a very low angle. In fact, I lied down flat on my stomach to capture the image to truly show the dunes in the background. Always try different perspectives and angles with your beach pictures.

Long exposure shots

Have you ever tried slowing down the shutter speed while shooting sea images? This creates silky seas and soft skies, adding a fairy tale dream element to beach photos. A neutral density filter, once again, is a great investment when you try this, along with a sturdy tripod. Long exposure sea images are certainly next on my list of things to try as I have not really played around with it.

Have you achieve amazing results with this? If so, are they saved on SlickPic? This easy storage solution will ensure that your images are kept safely, away from technological failures and wipe-outs.

By |2017-04-11T00:58:47-08:00December 26th, 2016|Categories: How-to Tips|1 Comment

About the Author:

René de Klerk is a journalist for a conservation publication in South Africa. As part of her work, she travels to South Africa’s National Parks where she also gets to practice her photography skills. She is at her happiest outdoors and as a result will never pass an opportunity to spend time in nature.