jgpittenger Portfolio
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Trillium Lake Twilight
I've not been out with my camera as much as usual but have been playing with reediting some of my older photos
Trillium Lake Hit by Full Moon
I've not been out with my camera as much as usual but have been playing with reediting some of my older photos
Sun Going Down at Siltcoos Outlet
and a beautiful sunset it was
Moon Going Down and Milky Way
Taken at Heceta Lighthouse beach
Lighthouse and Milky Way
I liked how the Milky way and the lighthouse light seemed to have a conversation going
Blake Fall Color Adjust Mosca Pass (oct 2019)
I've not been out with my camera as much as usual but have been playing with reediting some of my older photos
Blake Fall Color Adjust Salisbury Cemetery
I've not been out with my camera as much as usual but have been playing with reediting some of my older photos
Good Spot for Breakfast
Washburne Beach
Crater Lake Milky Way
I had another idea for this shot but the Milky way wasn't in the right spot
Snowy Plover
Mirror mirror on the wall...
Sun Bursts Out At Crater Lake
We did a quick overnight trip to Crater Lake and got up in the dark for sunrise. Unfortunately the cabin coffee maker didn't work...
Cape Perpetua sunset
Foggy Dawn from Sea Lion Caves
We stopped on the way North for a dawn hike
I haven't seen one of these before
Four Fawns
Jim called me to get my camera when he saw a fawn in the back yard. Instead of one, there were 4. At first I only saw one doe and wondered if she'd had quadruplets, but then I saw a second
Good Catch
I couldn't get my camera out quickly enough to capture the osprey's dive, but at least I got him flying off with it
Here's At You
I like the eyes
Pearl Catching the Light
On a foggy dawn on washburne beach
Swallowtail in the Daisies
This was in a new bunch of daisies
Taking a Shower in the Sprinkler
Anyone who has seen my photos in the last years knows how much I love hummingbirds
Nature's Dark Side
This spider looks as if he caught food for days
Focus stacked for more sharp detail
Hummer in the Flowers
Motion Blur at the Crocosmia
Usually I try to freeze the wings using a high shutter speed but here I wanted to show the motion
Can't You Two Learn to Share
We spent a couple of days in Seabeck, WA, shooting the bald eagles as they fed on midshipmen (fish) that get caught on the oyster beds during low tides as they migrate through
Blue Heron Flying By
There were blue herons enjoying the influx of midshipmen in Seabeck too
Bald Eagle with Midshipmen Breakfast
We spent a couple of days in Seabeck, WA, shooting the bald eagles as they fed on midshipmen (fish) that get caught on the oyster beds during low tides as they migrate through
The Dive
More textures play with Seabeck shots
Rose and Background
I shot this rose and blurred it before printing and used the print for a backdrop when I photographed it again
Look at those batting eyelids!
Focus Stacked Iris
It was really windy, so I brought it inside for a shot
Full House
We have about 15 rufous at our feeder these days. Many of them are babies I think
Face to Face with a Bald Eagle
We spent a couple of days in Seabeck, WA, shooting the bald eagles as they fed on midshipmen (fish) that get caught on the oyster beds during low tides as they migrate through
Kildeer Walking in the Dewy Clover (1 of 1)
I Got One
We spent a couple of days in Seabeck, WA, shooting the bald eagles as they fed on midshipmen (fish) that get caught on the oyster beds during low tides as they migrate through
Orchard Mason Bee Enjoying the Pollen
From Jim's garden
Purple Iris
Jim's flower garden
Pulling Tail Feathers
Winchester Bay
Pacific Wren Feeding Babies
A friend invited me to photograph her wren house with its mom and babies.
Mom's Got a Problem
A friend invited me to photograph her wren house with its mom and babies. One of the insects she was delivering to her babies was a spider who kept crawling out of her beak
Lovers' Quarrel
Winchester Bay
Jim's flower garden
Cleaning the House
A friend invited me to photograph her wren house with its mom and babies. Mom here is carrying away a "fecal bundle"
Ballet Landing
Another pigeon guillemot
Two Brown Pelican Pairs
We saw these on a n early morning walk on Washburne Beach
Sun Going Down
From Joshua Tree
Camas with Background
I shot a blurry photo with purple and green and then printed it and used that for a background for a shot I took of a camas bloom
Carrizo Plains 3
I couldn't stop shooting in Carrizo Plains
Carrizo Plains Color
I couldn't stop shooting in Carrizo Plains
November 2023
October 2023
Basil 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
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November 2022
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September 2022
Niguelle flowers 2022
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Basil possible panos
Basil possible panos
November 2017
October 2017
September 2017
August 2017
July 2017
June 2017
May 2017
April 2017
2017-04-01 12:17
March 2017
February 2017
January 2017
December 2016
November 2016
October 2016
September 2016
August 2016
July 2016
June 2016
May 2016
April 2016
March 2016
Febuary 2016
January 2016
December 2015
November 2015
October 2015
Possible Niguelle
Zen of Photogaphy for Review
September 2015
August 2015
July 2015
June 2015
May 2015
April 2015
March 2015
February 2015
January 2015
December 2014
November 2014
October 2014
September 2014
August 2014
July 2014
June 2014
Arizona Birds
May 2014
April 2014
March 2014
Febuary 2014
January 2014
December 2013
Gallery Hangings
November 2013
October 2013
September 2013
Eastern Sierra Workshop
Death Valley
Trillium Lake Twilight Trillium Lake Hit by Full Moon Sun Going Down at Siltcoos Outlet Moon Going Down and Milky Way Lighthouse and Milky Way Blake Fall Color Adjust Mosca Pass (oct 2019) Blake Fall Color Adjust Salisbury Cemetery Good Spot for Breakfast Crater Lake Milky Way Snowy Plover Sun Bursts Out At Crater Lake Cape Perpetua sunset Foggy Dawn from Sea Lion Caves Fogbow Four Fawns Daisy Good Catch Here's At You Pearl Catching the Light Swallowtail in the Daisies Taking a Shower in the Sprinkler Nature's Dark Side Lucifer Hummer in the Flowers Motion Blur at the Crocosmia Can't You Two Learn to Share Blue Heron Flying By Bald Eagle with Midshipmen Breakfast The Dive Rose and Background Flirting Focus Stacked Iris Full House Face to Face with a Bald Eagle Kildeer Walking in the Dewy Clover (1 of 1) I Got One Orchard Mason Bee Enjoying the Pollen Purple Iris Pulling Tail Feathers Pacific Wren Feeding Babies Mom's Got a Problem Lovers' Quarrel Lewisia Cleaning the House Ballet Landing Two Brown Pelican Pairs Sun Going Down Camas with Background Carrizo Plains 3 Carrizo Plains Color
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