Sharpen Your Photography Skills, Knowledge and Passion

Sharpen Your Photography Skills, Knowledge and Passion
Sharpen Your Photography Skills, Knowledge and Passion2019-01-22T09:35:54-08:00
1001, 2022

Photography News January 10, 2022

By |January 10th, 2022|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News January 10, 2022 Quote: “A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words.” – Ansel Adams Articles: Create High Contrast Portraits – 11m 38s   Moon Photography for Beginners – 17m 47s   Create Amazing Art with Water Droplets – 10m 34s   Portraits at Every Aperture – ƒ1.4 to ƒ16 examples – Julia Trotti – 11m 18s   Perfect Eyes with Photoshop Neural Filters – 9m 23s   Emulating Sunset with Lindsay Adler – for one device but you can use the same principal with other equipment – 8m [...]

301, 2022

Photography News January 3, 2022

By |January 3rd, 2022|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News January 3, 2022 Quote: “I have always been mindful of Edward Weston’s remark, ‘If I wait for something here I may lose something better over there.’ I have found that keeping on the move is generally more rewarding.” – Ansel Adams Articles: How to Succeed at Completing a 365 Project in 2022 – overly restrictive, but has useful ideas (gwe)   Make Real Rays of Light with Flash – 6m 16s   Sensor Crop Factors and Equivalence   One Overhead Light Portrait – 7m2 3s   Series of Rare and Largely Unseen Photos by Georgia O’Keeffe [...]

2712, 2021

Photography News December 27, 2021

By |December 27th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News December 27, 2021 Quote: “Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.” – Ansel Adams   Articles:  How to take pictures that sell – Fine Art Photography, Gary Gough, 27m 10s   Black or White Background in a Studio – 10m 4s   Photoshop Compression settings for TIF files – 11m 2s   Sensor Size, Perspective and Depth of Field – Photography Tutorials   How to shoot Ice Cold Portraits in Studio – 12m 30s   #1 Mistake in Color Photography – 14m 51s   Thought for the day: Best Photo Present to You? What [...]

2112, 2021

Photography News December 21, 2021

By |December 21st, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News December 21, 2021 Quote: “Photograph not only what you see but also what you feel.” — Ansel Adams Articles: How to Photograph Waterfalls – comprehensive, Gary Gough, 28m 14s   How to Create Self Portraits – Brooke Shaden, 23m 54s   Creating Motivated Light in a Photo – 12m 44s   What Sensor Size is Best for You as a Videographer? – or still photographer Yes, The Camera World Changed – Thom Hogan How Many Camera Bags Does a Photographer Need? – a bit simplified but useful starting point. Some of the comments are useful. Thought for [...]

1312, 2021

Critique – A Path To Creating Exceptional Photography

By |December 13th, 2021|Categories: Art of Photography|0 Comments

Critique - A Path To Creating Exceptional Photography I was given a helping hand at the beginning of my photographic journey. I was taught the value of critique and more importantly, how to use it to advance my skills. It is my compass. My own journey would be less rich without it. And much less successful. Critique – it means to criticize right? Actually, no. It means to analyze and when done properly, the emphasis is on the positive. It’s a surprising way to grow photography skills. Every once in a while, we see a photograph that commands us to [...]

2911, 2021

Photography News November 29, 2021

By |November 29th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News November 29, 2021 Quote: “…photographers are crepuscular creatures, most active around sunrise and sunset” – Michael Frye on visiting Mono Lake   Articles:  Evenings at the Lake – Michael Frye Johnston's Lens Ramblings (1999) – and read the comments   Light your Model like a Hero or Villain – 8m 13s   Three Secrets To Perfect Skin Tones – Photoshop Tutorial, 10m 34s   Low Key Moody Landscape Photography – 11m 25s, Gary Gould    Underwater Shooting with Brooke Shaden – 8m 58s, older video    Thought for the day: Photographing Butterflies This is based [...]

2211, 2021

Photography News November 22, 2021

By |November 22nd, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News November 22, 2021 Quote: “How high your awareness level is determines how much meaning you get from your world. Photography can teach you to improve your awareness level.” – Ansel Adams Articles: 2021 Natural Landscape Photography Awards Natural Landscape Photography Awards by Michael Frye Reality and Imagination – and see comments   Rim Lighting For Portraits – 9m 25s   Low Key Moody Landscape Photography – 11m 25s Gary Gough   Researchers Bundle 24 400mm Lenses into Massive Telescope Array   Thought for the day: Why Dark Video (and Photos) Is A Terrible Blocky Mess Tom [...]

811, 2021

Photography News November 8, 2021

By |November 8th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News November 8, 2021 Quote: “Today, we must realize that nature is revealed in the simplest meadow, wood lot, marsh, stream, or tidepool, as well as in the remote grandeur of our parks and wilderness areas.” – Ansel Adams Articles:  7 PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS guaranteed to help you improve! – Gary Gough 19m   Understanding ISO Selection vs. Effective Dynamic Range   How to Save a Terribly Lit Portrait in Lightroom – 17m 11s   16-35MM Wide Angle Seascape Photography – 13m 47s   High Light - Low Ceiling, building a home studio – 9m 27s [...]

111, 2021

FALL Photo tips

By |November 1st, 2021|Categories: Art of Photography, Gear and Tools|0 Comments

FALL Photo tips By Tony Sweet Hi and welcome to fall, one of our favorite times of year. There is fall color all over the country, so wherever you choose to photograph, here are a few tips that may help wherever you may roam this fall. The right tools Along with your gear, including tripod, you’ll need a polarizing filter to control glare and optionally a neutral density filter to control the speed of the water flow. The right clothing Research the area, but we carry clothes for 20F to 80F, incl. rain gear Dress in layers and consider NEOS [...]

111, 2021

Photography News November 1, 2021

By |November 1st, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News November 1, 2021 Quote: “The negative is the score, and the print is the performance.” – Ansel Adams Articles: Major New Feature in Lightroom Classic ver 11 – 9m 39s   How Botticelli revolutionized portraits – Art history in 10 minutes   Lightroom Classic v11 – The New Masking Tools – Julieanne Most, 8m 29s   Photography Tip guaranteed to make you a better photographer – Gary Gough – 52s   Conceptual Photography Speed Edit – 4m 17s   Photoshop 2022: 9 New Features with Pros & Cons! – 14m 36s (this and the two [...]

2010, 2021

Photography News October 20, 2021

By |October 20th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News October 20, 2021 Quote: “Now to consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.” – Edward Weston Articles: Bokeh Background Using Water – 8m 15s   Shooting on Black instead of White – 10m 21s   Photographer Reveals the Power of Perspective With Playful Compositions – ideas for Forced Perspectives   How to shoot Dance with Motion Blur & Detail – 6m 4s   Who Do You Believe? – Thom Hogan Comet Leonard – October/November/December   Thought for the day: [...]

1310, 2021

Photography News October 13, 2021

By |October 13th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News October 13, 2021 Quote: “There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.” — Ansel Adams Articles: Photo Tip: Why Drama Matters with Lindsay Adler – 1m 54s   Mixing Flash With Candle Light – 8m 2s   How to Easily Fix Blue Sky Gradients in Photoshop Imaging before photography, Part II – The Aristocrat   10 Step Guide to Shutter Drag Portraits – 14m 21s (Part 1)   Black and White Portraits in a Studio – 12m 27s   Thought for the day: Dust and Cameras A camera that [...]

609, 2021

Photography News September 6, 2021

By |September 6th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News September 6, 2021 Quote: “I try to make a connection with the people I’m photographing and then I try to disappear” – Deanne Fitzmaurice    Articles:  Master Curves from Start to Finish in Photoshop – 23m   Visual Design Of A Photograph – 1h 40m   Better Photographic Composition – Beyond the Rule of Thirds – 2h 3m   How to Create Portraiture that is a Work of Art – Lindsay Adler – 1h 59m (I’ve taken a couple of classes from her, I really like Lindsay’s work)   Fashion Shoot Without Fashion Clothing – 17m [...]

3008, 2021

Photography News August 30, 2021

By |August 30th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News August 30, 2021 Quote: “A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.” — Edward Steichen Articles: How to See a Photograph and Mentally Frame It As You Shoot – 1h 12m   An Intro to Photographing the Planets   How to Create Artistic, Dreamy, Soft Focus Flower Photography – 8m 31s   Negative Space at Beaches – 6m 30s   Why Your Photos Don't Have to Be Pin-Sharp   Astrophotography from $100 to $10,000 – 35m 16s   Thought for the day:  There is a subculture on [...]

1608, 2021

Photography News August 16, 2021

By |August 16th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News August 16, 2021 Quote: “All I have done before the age of 70 is not worth bothering about” – Hokusai Articles: Is Ansel Adams Still Relevant?   Promoting Passion: Speed Edit – Brooke Shaden – 2m 23s   Scott Kelby’s 10 Amazing Landscape Editing Tips – 25m   How to Create Depth in Color Images Using Black and White   Night Photography Webinar with Jeff Sullivan & Harold Davis – 1h 28m   How to Use an Optical Snoot – 16m 35s Thought for the day: Why Study Paintings? You are a photographer. So [...]

908, 2021

Photography News August 9, 2021

By |August 9th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News August 9, 2021 Quote: “The three elements I look for to make a photo: Light, Layers, Subject” – Deanne Fitzmaurice Articles:  Symbolism in Fine Art – Brooke Shaden – 9m 14s Creating Artist Books and Portfolios – Harold Davis – 1h 18m How to Make the Best of a Bad Location 'My Camera's Not Good Enough' and 7 Other Stupid Things Photographers Say Shot on iPhone 12 – Everyday Experiments: Full Bloom – Apple – 3m Photographing the Heart of an Active Volcano – 20m Thought for the day: What is a Great (Photographer/Photograph/etc)? I was struck by a comment by someone commenting on an [...]

208, 2021

Photography News August 2, 2021

By |August 2nd, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News August 2, 2021 Quote: “There should be nothing in the image that isn’t helping the story” – Deanne Fitzmaurice Articles: The Black & White Still Life, Part 2 - Harold Davis – 1h 2m How to use textures in Photoshop – 14m 25s Shoot and Edit Otherworldly Photos in Night Mode with Maria Lax – Apple, 8m 15s Landscape Photography Tips for Better Photos with Colby Brown – 8m Why Better Edges Make Better Photos Fine Art Master Photographer Reveals His Thoughts Behind Two Scenes Thought for the day: Live Photos Ever take a picture of a baby/child/cat/dog/deer/teen/whale and when you take the picture they are [...]

2607, 2021

Photography News July 26, 2021

By |July 26th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News July 26, 2021 Quote: “There use to be a joke among ‘serious’ photographers that in order to get into the Sierra Club calendar you had to have blurry water” – Stephen Johnson Articles: The Use of Reflections in Your Photography The Window Seat: 36 Tips for Taking Amazing Photos from Airplane Windows Landscape Photography in the World's Most Boring Location – 22m How To Remove POWER LINES in Lightroom – 8m An odd lens, STF (Smooth Transition Focus) Creating a bold fashion image using a fisheye lens! – Lindsay Adler, 10m Thought for the day: Dynamic and Static Range of a Camera System II There [...]

1907, 2021

Photography News July 19, 2021

By |July 19th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News July 19, 2021 Quote: “However, once you've satisfied your index finger's first impulse, you need to step back, think, observe, and analyze. There's almost always a better shot lurking, but to get it requires your brain to be fully functioning, not just reacting.” – Thom Hogan Articles: How the Light Placement Alters Your Subjects 8 Things You Should Do Before Going to a Photography Workshop Thom’s Buzz Wave Theory – background on camera release dates, etc. Peak Interest, not Peak Camera – Thom Hogan on features vs number sold Using Google Earth to Plan Landscape Photos Art Wolfe’s Intimate Landscapes Thought [...]

1207, 2021

Photography News July 12, 2021

By |July 12th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photography News July 12, 2021 Quote: “…above all else, take the shot.” – Thom Hogan Articles: All the Ways to Get to Black and White from Raw – Thom Hogan B&H Photo class (2 hours) The Perils of Certainty – Thom Hogan What is duotone? Artistic v Technical Balance in Photography – John Greengo The 2021 Audubon Photography Awards: Winners and Honorable Mentions Is Dynamic Range Important in Landscape Photography? Thought for the day: Leading Lines The current contest in the FB group “We Love Half Moon Bay” is on leading lines.  There were a number of questions by photographers as to what is a [...]